When I ask myself what's missing in winter, one of the first things I think of is leaves on the trees, flowers, and green plants of all sorts.
Now, I'm not very good with house plants. I always feel like a bad mother with them. I forget to water them, or I over water them, or more likely, do both. They sometimes come home with me with little bugs I don't see (probably little unseen eggs for little bugs that then hatch out in wild abandon) which then infest them and their neighbors, and I have to figure out whether to toss them, douse them, rinse them, or try not to think about it.
Add to that that I've told my body I'll avoid molds and mildews so I won't need to respond uncomfortably to them. That leads me to sniffing the dirt around the plants in the store to see if it there is a hint of mold, and probably also leads to my not watering them enough, afraid I'll encourage mold to grow in the dirt.
But, plants do make me feel happier in winter if none of the above has a counter effect big enough to cancel it out. And they also make indoor air cleaner, more free of airborne toxic fumes. So, if you can stand em, get em. Get lots of them.
Spider plants are among the top air cleaning plants, as are rhododendrons. Ferns do their job too. I find them easy to grow and have a nice Boston fern on my front porch, unfortunately, instead of in the house where it would not have been killed by frost. Got to buy another one, will have to go to the store and do some dirt sniffing I guess.
Do you have a sunny room you could use as a semi greenhouse? Or a sunny bay window to fill with plants? Or, can you install a shelf or series of shelves in front of a window? Or, make it bigger, how about adding a little greenhouse to your southern exposure part of your house?
If you cannot or don't want to go the more plants indoors route, or, in addition, you could add pictures of plants for your walls, even paint or wallpaper a plant and flower mural on one wall.
How about a set of flowery print sheets for your bed? Look around and see where you can add plants, in whatever form. It will bring some Spring and Summer to you whenever you see or touch it.
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